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Taking you from breakup, breakdown and burning out... to feeling stronger than ever, getting your spark back and saying "YES" to your future.

Hi there, I'm Sarah, a Breakup and Divorce Coach and a Positive Psychology Coach. I'm guessing if you've landed on my page then you're either in the midst of a breakup, or you're thinking of leaving your relationship. Either way... you're in the right place.

I help you to move forward positively during and after breakup and divorce.

Through coaching and the use of step by step strategies I help you to move through the process quicker than you would do on your own.

I teach you how to dial down all the negative emotions that are inevitable during this time, so that you can move on with your life and let go of the past.

I help you to rediscover who you are outside of your relationship and gain clarity on what you want your future to look like and the steps you need to take to achieve it.

I'm known for my warm, caring and non judgemental approach and am proof that you can move on to have a great life, albeit different to the one that you had previously planned.




Of course this process is not an overnight fix, but like most difficult things in life, once you've started the journey, things will gradually start to improve for you.


I can support you in the following areas:

  • To decide if your relationship really is over or whether it can be saved, so that if you do decide to leave, you can do so with no regrets.
  • To move through the process quicker than you could do on your own.
  • To support you through all the emotional and practical challenges of your breakup.
  • To cope with all the negative emotions such as heartbreak, betrayal, despair, anger, failure and guilt so that they don't consume you all the time.
  • To empower you to take back control of the situation.
  • To build up your resilience so you can cope better in your every day life.
  • To increase your confidence and self-esteem.
  • To gain clarity on your situation and what you want.
  • To devise strategies on how to deal with your ex.
  • To decide how best to parent with your ex and support your children.
  • To create a future that you are excited to live again.

"Sarah really helped me to see my full potential and supported my growth each step of the way, she helped me get clear on my goals, my confidence and helped me learn important tools to diffuse triggers that would cause me to be anxious...coaching has completely transformed my life."


"Sarah has not only built me back up but reinvigorated me to feel empowered. I’d recommend this to anyone, the importance of knowing what makes you happy both in and out of a relationship means I will never settle or live anything other than the happiest version of life."


Book your free clarity call

Coaching can support you with the practical and emotional challenges of your breakup, so that you can emerge from it feeling happier and stronger than ever before. If this is something you’re interested in, then I'd love to chat and you can book a free no obligation call here:

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